<![CDATA[Carter Novels - PARANORMAL CORNER]]>Sat, 21 Sep 2024 16:37:39 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[The HAUNTED CAMPFIRE TALES Podcast.]]>Tue, 16 Jan 2024 16:23:17 GMThttp://carternovels.com/paranormal-corner/the-haunted-campfire-tales-podcast
Join us on the last Thursday of each month for a new episode of the Haunted Campfire Tales Podcast. Each month, the Tampa Bay Spirits investigation team discusses a new paranormal topic, and we invite you to join us and interact on out LIVE broadcast. 
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089717665124 (Campfire page)
<![CDATA[ORBS?]]>Fri, 17 Jul 2020 15:36:38 GMThttp://carternovels.com/paranormal-corner/orbsHi all! The other day we set up our new IR static cams to try them out & let them run overnight. This was the main one that was remarkable. This is the raw footage. We are working on using a new video editing program to slow this down & do a close up to isolate the frames. Watch top center at around 26 seconds & a smaller one along the same track at 36 seconds. Any thoughts or opinions?
<![CDATA[WE'RE ON THE TEAM !!!]]>Tue, 14 Jul 2020 15:16:29 GMThttp://carternovels.com/paranormal-corner/were-on-the-team
Hi everyone! We've been off for awhile but we're back! In the meantime, we joined a paranormal investigation team here in Central Florida. The pandemic has slowed us down a bit but this fall we expect to be back on track, safely checking out the unexplained. Visit the team website link above and let us know if you have something to investigate....
<![CDATA[THE HANGING TREE]]>Tue, 04 Jun 2019 16:33:49 GMThttp://carternovels.com/paranormal-corner/the-hanging-treeWe recently took a trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. We brought all of our ghost hunting equipment including our new SLS camera. This was the maiden voyage for our new toy. We booked a tour with After Dark Investigations from midnight to 3 a.m. We had made contact with several spirits earlier on the tour using flashlights & K2 meters but nothing had shown up on our SLS camera except for ourselves and the tour guide.
The third stop on the tour was a place called the Hanging Tree near Sachs Bridge. It was a several minute walk thru the woods & muddy ground to reach the tree. The story goes that in pre-Civil War time, a white woman had married a native American. They had 2 little girls & the mother was expecting their third child. What happened to them was horrifying. The towns people did not want mixed race children in their community. They burned the father at the stake, hung the mother from a tree and slit the throats of the children.
Shortly after we arrived there, the figures of two entities showed up in the trees. At the same time little pinpoints of bright light appeared on the ground under the tree and then all around us. We checked for insects and foliage that might also have bioluminescence and found nothing to explain the lights.
The smaller screen is the thermal view and the larger screen is infrared. This was filmed at around 2 a.m. 

It's our opinion that the two entities could be the children. What's yours?......
<![CDATA[Dark of the Moon]]>Sun, 01 Nov 2015 22:23:28 GMThttp://carternovels.com/paranormal-corner/dark-of-the-moonPicture
Recently we spent a week on Flagler Beach. We (RC & I, our son & one of our daughters & their families) rented a beautiful, brand new home. Our son, daughter & son in law surfed everyday. RC, my daughter in law, grandchildren & I played in the waves & rescued starfish washed ashore by an off shore storm. We also took lots of long walks, built sandcastles  & spent time stargazing.
 Flagler Beach is close to St, Augustine Florida, one of our favorite places to visit. It is also one of  our favorite places to ghost hunt. St. Augustine is very old & has lost many of it's citizens to a Yellow Fever epidemic & the many battles to storm the city. Castillo de San Marcos Fort is an undefeated fort, it was never lost in battle but many tried to overrun the fort & city. It is also the oldest masonry fort in the continental United States. So on this visit we decided to visit the fort at least one day. We found it so interesting we came back the next day after visiting St. Augustine Lighthouse in the morning. We asked the Park Ranger on duty if there were any spots in the fort that were reportedly haunted. He told us many people reported seeing , hearing & "feeling" things. He told us stories about the Indians kept in the fort & about the many battles fought there. Before we left his company we asked where the "hot spots" were & if we could do some investigating. After being told "Go for it" we went on our merry way. We set up in one of the many reportedly haunted places & immediately started getting EMF hits. Two women came in & asked what we were doing, after we told them they immediately told us there house was haunted by a child & asked if we could investigate their home. Unfortunately we had no time on this trip. We packed it up & went home for more surfing & swimming. As I said we had spent the morning at the lighthouse. If you ever get a chance to visit St. Augustine & you like history both the fort & the lighthouse are a must on your itinerary. The fort has a self guided tour & at the lighthouse you can either do a self guided tour or a guided tour during the day. However if you like the paranormal you HAVE to go on the Dark of the Moon Tour. You can find the times, price etc. on their website: http://www.staugustinelighthouse.org . The tour is both informative & entertaining. The only way to see the lighthouse & grounds at night is on the tour. Even if you are not a believer in things that go bump in the night the lighthouse & the view from the top are beautiful. We have done this tour more than once. RC, our daughter, our daughter in law, our grandson (14) & I did the tour this time. We did the guided tour & our daughter immediately started getting hits on the EMF in the lighthouse. She & our grandson were asking questions & getting "yes" "no" answers on the EMF detector (Lit up means yes, not lit up means no). We however had not much luck. We set up a laser grid & recorder in the lighthouse office (the recorder is for EVP-electronic  voice phenomena; voices not heard with the human ear but caught on the recorder).  Then the tour went on to the keeper's house. As I said we had done this tour before. We have always had the most activity in the basement of the keeper's house.  At the end of the tour you have an hour to explore by yourselves. We asked lots of questions using the EMF detectors & then decided since "Pete" (a lighthouse keeper when alive & apparently while dead also) was being so responsive to do a flash light session. You can watch a four minute video taken at the beginning of the session which lasted for the better part of an hour here: https://youtu.be/psPJQkpu3uw.  Most of the people on the tour stayed & watched.  You can hear their reactions on the video. They had lots of questions which we gladly answered. One woman asked to see the flashlight when we ended the session. I told her "Of course!" When she finished she exclaimed "Oh my gosh! This is just a normal flash light! And there is NO WAY to make the light dim & brighten like it did! I'm a believer now!" One of the interesting things that happened was RC asked "Pete" to move the flashlight......which he did. Well more stories later.....Joan

<![CDATA[The House by the River]]>Sun, 18 Oct 2015 18:32:58 GMThttp://carternovels.com/paranormal-corner/the-house-by-the-riverRecently we had the pleasure to do two investigations. The first was in a private home. A couple recently bought a 105 year old home. I have to say this home is amazing. It is near a river, almost every window has stained glass(many of the windows are from old churches ready to be torn down), built in church pews, altars & surrounded by a tall wrought iron fence. As we drove up & saw this home ,I turned to my husband & daughter ,clapped my hands & said "This is going to be FUN!!!!".  The owners had not yet moved in but were waiting there to meet us. The previous owner had told them that the house was haunted by four ghosts. They wanted us to investigate to see if there was anything paranormal happening & if there was to see if it was well or ill intentioned. They made it very clear that any well intentioned entities were welcome to stay but anything that was dark, negative &  ill intentioned had to leave. We started the investigation by doing a base line EMF (electromagnetic field). Everything was very low except near the bar refrigerator. Since none of the activity happened around there we didn't worry about that. We went upstairs to the first room to see if there was activity. As we entered I noticed another room that I felt we needed to investigate. We were told that was where the previous owner "communicated" with the entities. However  we continued into the first room. We spent some time there using EMF detectors & Gauss meters (which can also detect electromagnetic fields). Nothing happened, no blips on our detectors, no odd sounds....nothing. We moved on to the next room. The room that would be the master bedroom. Still not the room that I was itching to investigate but it was the room the previous owner's Mother had lived in. She died in Hospice but this room had been her last home. We all settled in & started asking questions. At first all was quiet, no blips on our meters in answer to our questions. Then my daughter leaned over toward me (I later learned to ask if I had heard sound from the hall) when her gauss meter lit up like a Christmas tree. We asked many questions which the entity answered by lighting up the meter once for yes & twice for no. We discovered it was not the previous owner's Mom & that she was no longer there. Whoever was communicating was very cagey about their identity. We heard tapping in the hall as if someone was tapping on glass. Of course this is a very old house. So a lot of creaks ,groans & cracks are expected to be heard. Finally we decided to investigate the room we had passed by at the beginning. We went into the room , set up flashlights which can be turned on &  off by turning them & turned them to just the point where a slight turn will turn them on. We could then communicate with the entity by having them turn the flashlight on & off. If you watch our four minute video from the St. Augustine lighthouse you will see what I mean. Also they seem to be able to dim the lights & brighten them which we can't seem to achieve. We asked a few questions......nothing. I decided to go downstairs & get our laser grid pen. When I came back upstairs everyone was excited because the flashlight had turned on. I set the grid up & then the fun began. The entity turned the light on & off on command for an hour. Just before the light would turn on the grid lights would be broken. At one point we heard a very loud crack from the hall. Also we had a lot of EMF activity. We had recorders set up but we had no EVPs(electronic voice phenomenon....a recording of a voice that can not be heard by the human ear). We finally shut down & were very happy to say there did not seem to be any negative or evil activity. They are happy to share their beautiful home as long as their wishes are respected. We have been invited to return & investigate again, which we are eager to do. We will give you an update . Our next blog will be about The Dark of the Moon tour at St. Augustine lighthouse....now that was FUN too.
